Physical Activity
We got off to a very active start to the school year at Kilrossanty NS.
The good weather in September meant we were able to really enjoy active break times at the start of the new school year. The younger classes have really been enjoying using our new and improved playground markings which were painted in conjunction with Waterford Sports Partnership last summer. Our super caretaker has also redone the lines on our Active Walkway which is proving very popular with some of children at lunchtime as they can 'walk and talk' if they are not playing other games.
Our football training started up again in early September for boys and girls from 3rd-6th class. We are very lucky to have great help from Kilrossanty GAA club in this regard. Ger Walsh, Paudie and Seamie Fitzgerald all give their time to help with the boys training each Tuesday while Mrs Flynn takes the girls. The training is open to all and the focus is on fun and enjoyment of the game while also learning and developing skills. Any children who do not want to take part participate in various other active games with Mrs Feeney during this time. It is great to see our pitches and yard being such a hive of physical activity every Tuesday afternoon.
Lunchtime football leagues kicked off for the girls in mid September. Any girls interested from 3rd-6th class play mini football games against each other during big lunch. There is always such a buzz as we reach the semi final/final stage. Once the girls leagues are finished the boys will commence.
Our boys and girls football teams participated in their Cumann na mBunscoil blitz in October with both teams doing really well. Our boys reached the semi final stage of the competition and our girls team reached the Western Final which was played on Saturday 19th October!

The whole school participated in a variety of outdoor maths challenges and trails as part of Maths Week in October, many of which incorporated our Active Walkway.

Our Active Walkway had a spooky makeover for the week leading into the mid-term break. Halloween 'bat exercises' were displayed at every station along our walkway. All classes used the walkway for active breaks, PE warm ups and during lunchbreaks as many times as possible during the week.

We had a very active and spooky yard during breaktimes on the day of our Halloween holidays. Everyone dressed up with Halloween masks or wigs and we put our new speaker to good use. Halloween party songs blared out across the yard and the children (and staff!) had a great time dancing to ghostbusters, monster mash and more!

GDA Football coaching
Gavin from the Waterford GAA GDA visited us for 3 weeks during the month of November to give each class group football coaching sessions. This linked in well with this months PE lessons as our FMS focus is 'kicking' for the month of November.
All classes are participating in an Active Break Everyday challenge from 18th November-13th December. Class teachers have discussed and decided with their classes what time everyday to do the active break in their classroom and it is the job of the ASF committee members to remind the teachers not to forget active break time! We are using interactive resources from the Irish Heart Foundation Website, our active walkway and dance/ lollipop stick/ yoga challenges throughout the classes as part of our active breaks!

On the 18th December a sea of red lit up the roads of Kilrossanty as the wholw school participated in our 1 mile 'Santa Dash' to raise money for the Lion's Club Christmas Appeal. Everyone dressed up in Santa hats and Christmas jumpers and ran, jogged or walked up to the old school house in Kilrossanty and back to the school grounds. It was a great event, full of fun with everyone cheering each other on. We raised 246 euro for the Lion's Club, well done everyone!!

Our lunchtime leagues resumed at the end of January, beginning with boys hurling, the boys were thrilled to be back in actions and got stuck in from the start.

We were also very lucky to receive 3 weeks of rugby coaching in February with Joey from Dungarvan Rugby Club. All classes from infants to 6th took part in the sessions and they were really enjoyed by all.